Monday, October 10, 2011

Week Six: Bits and Bytes

This week we talked a little bit about bits and bytes and ASCII Code. This code is 7 bit (128 values) This take care of 0-9, A-Z , a-z and punctuation but that is outdated and now we use UNICODE because this can handle ALL languages. More than 100,000, universal character set and still includes ASCII.

In relation to my product, we would use this in both the printer and in the computer. The computer of course has our keyboards and such which usually is the first thing that comes to mind when talking about ASCII codes and UNICODE, but people probably forget that printers also use these codes. Printers need to know how to print things, where on the page to print them, etc. For example, to bring in bold the code is 27 40 115 51 66, then to also print landscape style it is 27 38 108 49 79.

Of course my product would be using bits and bytes in countless ways but here its just a little touch on what is and a few examples. 

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