Monday, October 24, 2011

Famous Blogger: Online Tricks

Online Trick is a blog started by Akil and Ashiq two teenage boys from India. I know that doesn’t sound like a “famous” blogger put when I was searching around Google for famous computer bloggers this came up as top 50. Their main goal is to provide people with Online Tricks for today’s technology and software by using tutorials. They also want to keep people informed on the latest technology updates.
            I really liked this blog for a few reasons. One, I think my idea is something they would blog about. I think that a computer and printer in one is something new and definitely worth blogging about. Also, I read the bio on the two boys and they just had a huge passion for technology and software and networking and I liked how they took their passions, blogged about it, and got famous. This is their link if you feel like reading it, maybe you will get inspired…like me! 

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