Monday, September 26, 2011

Hardware is obviously the key to my computer product. I would like to think that it would be a quality computer but at first it may not have the best pieces since it will already be costly to have a little printer in it. Therefore the drive bay, power supply, sound card, video card, processor, and memory may not be the top of the line but I think they will have to be of decent quality to support such a computer that I want to create.

The USB Ports is where my computer will get tricky. We need to somehow internally put a USB type B connected with a peripheral so the printer can be connected and attached to the computer. Also after doing some research on printers I found that they are made of a print head, ink cartridges, a print head stepper motor, a belt and a stabilizer bar. The print head is the main part of the printer that uses nozzles to spray drops of the ink. The stepper motor is what is moving back and forth on the paper and the stabilizer bar controls the print head to make sure it is controlled. Then there is also the paper assembly part of the printer.

The hardware of the computer printer duo would be very bulky but if somehow we could downsize each component in the hardware it might be possible. 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Week Two: Excel

This week in class we were talking about a few things such as social media, privacy and excel. Yes, my product could use social media to get the word out but what I really would focus on would be the excel aspect. Excel would play a huge role for my product.
Let’s start with, what is Excel? Excel is electronic spreadsheets. It is helpful because there are many functions that excel offers, such as calculating math equations, gathering data, graphing data, and much more. Those aspects are something I could definitely use for my product.

For example, if I was to do a trial run of this new computer with the build in printer, I would take the results and insert them into excel to help calculate how many people responded positively or negatively. If I was to sell them for two weeks I could insert the data then find the slope and see whether my product was decreasing in sales or decreasing. Now hypothetically my business is booming and we have been in business for years. If I wanted to access my information on a larger scale I could create a pivot table to access information in a matter of minutes, and as a bonus, using pivot tables in excel, does not take up a lot of memory.

All in all, why not use excel? 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Week One

I would like to create a laptop that has a little printer in/attached to it. In theory it would be for last minute printing or printing on the go. The laptop size would be the size of a piece of computer paper and therefore could fit on the back perfectly. I envision it, printing out from the top and loading the paper on the bottom. 

It would be a very beneficial product in the up and coming information era that we are in. People today are always on the go and I feel this would tend to people's needs very well. Not to mention that technology plays a huge part today and even though we will always be printing things, the use for actually printing paper will decrease. People will rely on emails and digital copies of everything. This relates to class from last week because we were talking about entrepreneurial and innovation and I think my product could be both of those. This is a product I believe in and would try to promote within the industry.